Linky the newf with hip displacia :(

by Nikita roberts

We got link when he was about 4 months old and he had always walked guny the breader sed he will grow into his legs but the other day I made dad take him to the vet becaise he is 15 months old now the vet had a feel and sed that every thing felt fine but we asked for xrays so we sadated him and took 3 x rays. The x rays show that link has bo socket and his legs are just sitting there poking out and nowere near his sockets but link is in no pain and he is a happy dog.but we have t him put him down in the next 6 to 12 months depending on how sore he is

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Jun 15, 2013
Hip Dysplasia NEW
by: Anonymous

I am sorry to hear about your newfie, but hip dysplasia can be operated on with a lot of success. Even if you are not insured and the operation is beyond your means, supplements like glucosomine and some hydrotherapy will work wonders for him.

You should also find another vet. If yours doesn't know hip dysplasia when he sees it, he should not be practicing.

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Bear ♡ Joyce Walters Not rated yet
A blessing from God I believe. I am I'll and do not get out much. I had fallen into a depression. A friend of mine said I have something to cheer you up. …

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